carla palacios
mary emmarco
Frank Clark
Chris Martorello
Community Posts
On behalf of the Basket Brigade Organizers, We can't Thank You enough for everyone's help in the past with the Basket Brigade. Last year because of your generosity we were able to feed over 2400 People in need. We were able to reach families in Westchester, Bronx, Brooklyn and Manhattan. We have to quickly spread the word and we urgently need your help to make this happen! Please visit our website here: where you can register to volunteer and make your donations. Please also post this website, on your face book page, LinkedIn, twitter and other social media. Now is the time to step up and help others in need! We all have so much to be grateful for in our wonderful communities and isn't it great that we can afford to share from our surplus with others who may be less fortunate! Thank you all in advance for your help in making this happen again this year. If you cannot volunteer or donate………. YOU CAN STILL HELP!!! All you need to do is print copies of this attached flyer and give it out in your community!!!! Please distribute it to your family, friends and neighbors. Post and leave copies at your churches, synagogues, stores you shop at often, restaurants, your gym etc. Please also e-mail it to people you know. This will help get the word out for us to continue this important work of feeding families in need this holiday season. Much appreciation, Seamus. The NYC and Westchester Basket Brigade Organizers.
6 years ago
We will have two locations again this year for the 2018 NYC and Westchester Basket Brigades. The Westchester location will be the same as last year at Our Lady of Shkodra Church in Hartsdale, NY. A second location will be in Brownsville, Brooklyn - same as last year! For more information and to join us a a volunteer, donor or corporate sponsor, please visit out website at We are a registered IRS 501(C)3 not-for-profit organization. We expect to feed 700-750 families this year (about 3000 people) and we need your help!
6 years ago
We will have two locations again this year for the 2017 NYC and Westchester Basket Brigades. The Westchester location will be the same as last year at Our Lady of Shkodra Church in Hartsdale, NY. A second location will be in Brownsville, Brooklyn - same as last year! For more information and to join us a a volunteer, donor or corporate sponsor, please visit out website at We are a registered IRS 501(C)3 not-for-profit organization. We expect to feed even more families this year and we need your help!
7 years ago
We will have two locations again this year for the 2016 NYC and Westchester Basket Brigades. The Westchester location will be the same as last year at Our Lady of Shkodra Church in Hartsdale, NY. A new second location will be in Brownsville, Brooklyn ! For more information and to join us a a volunteer, donor or corporate sponsor, please visit out website at We are a registered IRS 501(C)3 not-for-profit organization. We expect to feed even more families this year and we need your help! 1 years ago
7 years ago
We will have two locations again this year for the 2015 NYC and Westchester Basket Brigades. The Westchester location will be the same as last year at Our Lady of Shkodra Church in Hartsdale, NY. A new second location will be in Brooklyn or Queens will be announced soon! For more information and to join us a a volunteer, donor or corporate sponsor, please visit out website at We are a registered IRS 501(C)3 not-for-profit organization. We expect to feed even more families this year and we need your help!
9 years ago
We are thrilled at the success of the 2014 Basket Brigade. We delivered 275 baskets and fed more than 1100 people in time for Thanksgiving in the NYC and Westchester areas. Thank you so much to our army of volunteers and donors who make all this possible, and especially our corporate donors. Looking forward to an even more successful basket brigade this year!
10 years ago
We are excited for our annual Thanksgiving Basket Brigade. We are please to announce that we are now a registered 501(c)3 not for profit organization. We can now work more effectively with corporate donors, other charitable organizations and government agencies. We also have a new location in Westchester this year. Please join us!
10 years ago
The NYC Basket Brigade and Westchester Basket Brigade are pleased to announce the dates for the 2013 Basket Brigades will be Saturday, November 23 and Sunday November 24. Last year we helped feed more than 200 families or 800 people, including many families left homeless in Staten Island and the Rockaways after Hurricane Sandy. This year we are seeking to feed even more! Please join us to volunteer or raise funds. You can learn more at! Thank you!
11 years ago